
Stop Hindering the Faith of Little Children


We, as adults can sometimes hinder the faith of little children due to our own unbelief. It’s time to stop it.

A few years ago, I wrote a book called, I Saw God Last Night, and in it, the Lord pressed me to emphasize the importance of the respect and encouragement of the faith of little children.

I Saw God Last Night: Whoever Said He's Dead, Flat Out Lied!

Most people will agree with me that, when speaking to a young child, it is very evident that they lack doubt; they believe what they’re told. So when a little one hears about the love of Jesus Christ, that He arose from the dead, and that He can do anything, they take that to the bank and run with it! (Not literally, of course. But spiritually, yes.)  Their faith has not been tainted by the doubts of us adults.

I can attest growing up, having so much faith in Jesus and believed so much that He could do anything, to the point where…I even expected Him to (as many children do).

 When I would tell adults about the things I believed for Jesus to do, I could tell there was a blockage of belief there (and no, it wasn’t anything crazy like, ‘If I jump off of a building, I know God will make me fly!’).  

They would kindly, in what they felt was good reasoning, try to explain to me that God doesn’t do “this” or “that”.  I never believed them. Still don’t!

There was another instance when a little girl once told me about how she had a beautiful dream about Heaven two to three years prior to our conversation. The vivid details of her dream were so immense, that it just blew me away! (None of which contradicted the Bible).

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The little girl then told me that she could never forget that dream. When her mother walked into the room, she overheard her daughter talking about it and border-line rolled her eyes, brushing it off saying, “Yeah, she’s told me that dream, too.” This sort of upset me.  

When I was but a young child, I remember my family and I going to Sizzlers for dinner. There was a light-fixture hanging above our table, so I just stared at the lightbulb since it didn’t have the white coating covering it. I was amazed by the interior glow of that lightbulb.

Well, I glared at it far too long to the point where I began seeing the squiggly patterns of the interior bulb even minutes after looking away. I told everyone at the table that I was seeing things floating around them, but no one believed me, except for my father. I’ll never forget that. His belief in me mattered.

If parents won’t even believe their own child’s testimony, what confidence does that give them as they grow older?  Let alone confidence in their own words and testimonies.

Children don’t see things through the eyes of us, tainted adults.  They see the truth until an older generation teaches them to doubt.  This is why Jesus says we must become as little children in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

millstone around your neck

He’s not telling us to be childish, but yet, child-like!

Jesus takes this so seriously, even to say that, if you become a stumbling block for little children, it is better for you to have a millstone hung from your neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea (Matthew 18:3-6)!

In conclusion, if a child believes in miracles, let them believe.  If a child believes in the power of God, let them believe.  If a child has testified of the supernatural, let them believe it…and do not taint, taunt, hinder, or become a stumbling block for them.

Children are a pleasure to the heart and eyes of God, and we should re-learn from them, the child-like faith we once possessed. Besides, our faith is what moves God, rather than our wants and/or needs.

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    1. Always a joy to read your articles! Unfortunately, we are in the end times. As it is written in 1 Timothy 1-2, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” Christians and non-Christians alike are now following a false enlightenment, a new religion that idolizes humanity. If the ministers, elders, adults and educators are received, then how will the children know the love of Christ? May God’s grace be with you.

  1. This was so good, and true! Thank you for the reminder to have faith like a child!!!

    I would love to purchase your book, do you sell them on Amazon? God Bless

  2. This is great. Little children show us how to use faith to its fullest because they do not yet pick and choose what they should believe. They will believe it all until they bring it forth to those who will introduce them to the adult world of doubt.

    Keep bringing it sister!

  3. Great article! Another important lesson for adults to learn is that our children not only listen to what we say, but they also watch our walk with the Lord. For more often than not, with a child, more is caught by our children thru our actions and lifestyle. We adults need to walk a walk that will demonstrate the truth about God.

  4. Yes! The reaction of my mother to my salvation at the age of 9 is burned into my memory. My exuberance was not comfortable for her . I felt that even though she said encouraging words. Now I know as an adult that there were personal reasons for her reaction, but I also know that it causes me to pull back from God at that moment. And sadly I carried that fear of living by faith with me and passed it to my children . But God has done great things in my life and I believe He will redeem those years!

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